We look forward to welcoming you at our Louisville, Boulder and Lyons locations! For general questions regarding our products, locations or events please see our FAQs page. If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, please shoot us a note in the contact form and we’ll get back to you soon.
Moxie Bread Co.
641 Main Street | Louisville, Colorado
(720) 420-9616
7am - 4pm, Daily
Moxie Feed + Seed
4593 Broadway | Boulder, Colorado
(303) 903-9961
9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
9am - 3pm, Saturday - Sunday
Moxie Mercantile
355 Main Street | Lyons, Colorado
(720) 775-5589
6am - 4pm, Daily
The Mill Site
4593 Broadway | Boulder, Colorado
Email milling@moxiebreadco.com
Visits available by appointment only