Pizza Night is ON
I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was great to see so many smiling faces and dancing festivarians at RockyGrass. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the festival and the line up was phenomenal. The campgrounds were rocking until the wee hours all week with inspired musicians from across the land.
Are you ready for another pizza party? We will be back at again this Friday with wood fired pizza and farm fresh local greens and fun.
You can get your tickets HERE
Here's two of our favorite pizza slingers who also happen to like the same shads, hats and blue shirts beaming from ear to ear at RockyGrass. Marcus and Seth have been our ace pizza crew for many years.
We also got a special treat of a full set of Zivanai Masango's Zimbabwean band Zimbira in our parking lot on Saturday. It was a super fun set and parking lot dance party.
Here's Hot Rize performing Nellie Kane live back in 2015. The guys closed out the festival last night to thousands of home town fans. It doesn't get any better.